Only the best ingredients.

The story of our restaurant might sound familiar to you, if you have heard of Friends & Burgers or Kolmen Kaverin Jäätelö. That's right - friendship is the bond that most likely will lead to something sweet and tasty, but in our case it has been all about dough, meat and saltiness. We love what local producers do and want to tell their story through our pizzas and presence. No bullshitting this time.

Cooked with wooden fire.

It was just a normal day with normal routines, when we found out that there was something extraordinary going on in the pizza world. We already knew that real pizzas can only be made in wooden fired oven, but boy little we knew in the end… We've gone a long way and these days we heat our oven with wooden pellets and let the smokey flavor intensify our natural and pure tastes - anywhere in Finland.

With love & passion.

We believe that pizzas have never been tastier. Or they might have - we don't criticize, because we believe that each and every pizza has to be made with right intensity, passion and love.